Opus Arte


The Royal Opera House
Royal Shakespeare Company
Shakespeare's Globe
Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie
Rameau: Hippolyte et Aricie

Ed Lyon (Hippolytus); Christiane Karg (Aricia); Sarah Connolly (Phaedre); Stéphane Degout (Theseus); Katherine Watson (Diana); François Lis (Pluto/Jupiter/Neptune); Julie Pasturaud (Œnone); Samuel Boden (Mercury)

In Glyndebourne’s first-ever staging of an opera by Rameau, director Jonathan Kent presents a production which, in his own words, ‘strives to appeal to every sense and show audiences how engrossing and musically ravishing French Baroque opera can be’. Rameau’s inventive take on Racine’s great tragedy Phèdre is brought to life by Paul Brown’s colourful and elegant designs and Ashley Page’s playful choreography. Ed Lyon and Christiane Karg give captivating performances as the titular young lovers, while Sarah Connolly, making a welcome return to Glyndebourne, ‘invests Phaedra with both grandeur and a desperately human vulnerability’ (The Independent). Leading exponent of early music William Christie ‘sets an exhilarating pace, galvanising the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment to playing of tremendous panache’ (The Daily Telegraph). Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true Surround Sound.


Genre: Opera
Release Date: 01/07/2014
Sound Formats: 24 bit LPCM / 5.1 DTS Master Audio HD
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: EN, FR, DE, KO
Catalogue Number: OA1143D


Genre: Opera
Release Date: 01/07/2014
Sound Formats: 24 bit LPCM / 5.1 DTS Master Audio HD
Ratio: 16:9
Subtitles: EN, FR, DE, KO
Catalogue Number: OABD7150D
William Christie
The Glyndebourne Chorus; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Ed Lyon; Christiane Karg; Sarah Connolly; Stéphane Degout; Katherine Watson; François Lis; Julie Pasturaud; Samuel Boden; The Glyndebourne Chorus; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment; William Christie
"Few nights at the opera will be as rewarding as this one." (The Arts Desk)

"Rameau’s music is one reason to hasten to East Sussex. Another is Jonathan Kent’s inventive staging." (The Times)

"Sarah Connolly combines a luscious voice and volcanic stage presence as Phaedra, and her climactic outpouring of despair in Act 4 is scalp-prickling." (Bloomberg.com)

"William Christie ... as usual sets an exhilarating pace, galvanising the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment to playing of tremendous panache." (The Daily Telegraph ★★★)

"With William Christie conducting the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment ... the music couldn't be better presented; Christie's ability to conjure up ceremonial grandeur, tender intimacy and rhythmic variety may be sleight of hand from the greatest Rameau interpreter of our time, but it's totally compelling. So too is much of the cast, especially Ed Lyon's Hippolytus, Christiane Karg's Aricia, and Stéphane Degout's Theseus; as Phaedra, Sarah Connolly plays the stepmother from hell to the manner born." (The Guardian ★★★★)

"Katherine Watson’s imperious Diana, Ed Lyon’s coltish Hippolytus, and Francois Lis’s dark-toned Pluto are all spot-on, while Emmanuelle de Negri and Mathias Vidal purvey a ravishing sweetness of sound. Sarah Connolly invests Phaedra with both grandeur and a desperately human vulnerability; Stephane Degout’s Theseus sends up prayers to Neptune in singing of transcendent beauty. The diction and phrasing is perfectly idiomatic; the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment is on top form." (The Independent ★★★)

"... one of the great French Baroque entertainments ... Christie conducts a superb Glyndebourne cast." (Gramophone)

Ed Lyon (Hippolytus); Christiane Karg (Aricia); Sarah Connolly (Phaedre); Stéphane Degout (Theseus); Katherine Watson (Diana); François Lis (Pluto/Jupiter/Neptune); Julie Pasturaud (Œnone); Samuel Boden (Mercury)

In Glyndebourne’s first-ever staging of an opera by Rameau, director Jonathan Kent presents a production which, in his own words, ‘strives to appeal to every sense and show audiences how engrossing and musically ravishing French Baroque opera can be’. Rameau’s inventive take on Racine’s great tragedy Phèdre is brought to life by Paul Brown’s colourful and elegant designs and Ashley Page’s playful choreography. Ed Lyon and Christiane Karg give captivating performances as the titular young lovers, while Sarah Connolly, making a welcome return to Glyndebourne, ‘invests Phaedra with both grandeur and a desperately human vulnerability’ (The Independent). Leading exponent of early music William Christie ‘sets an exhilarating pace, galvanising the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment to playing of tremendous panache’ (The Daily Telegraph). Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true Surround Sound.


Genre: Opera
Release Date: 01/07/2014
Sound Formats: 24 bit LPCM / 5.1 DTS Master Audio HD
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: EN, FR, DE, KO
Catalogue Number: OA1143D


Genre: Opera
Release Date: 01/07/2014
Sound Formats: 24 bit LPCM / 5.1 DTS Master Audio HD
Ratio: 16:9
Subtitles: EN, FR, DE, KO
Catalogue Number: OABD7150D

William Christie
The Glyndebourne Chorus; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
Ed Lyon; Christiane Karg; Sarah Connolly; Stéphane Degout; Katherine Watson; François Lis; Julie Pasturaud; Samuel Boden; The Glyndebourne Chorus; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment; William Christie

"Few nights at the opera will be as rewarding as this one." (The Arts Desk)

"Rameau’s music is one reason to hasten to East Sussex. Another is Jonathan Kent’s inventive staging." (The Times)

"Sarah Connolly combines a luscious voice and volcanic stage presence as Phaedra, and her climactic outpouring of despair in Act 4 is scalp-prickling." (Bloomberg.com)

"William Christie ... as usual sets an exhilarating pace, galvanising the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment to playing of tremendous panache." (The Daily Telegraph ★★★)

"With William Christie conducting the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment ... the music couldn't be better presented; Christie's ability to conjure up ceremonial grandeur, tender intimacy and rhythmic variety may be sleight of hand from the greatest Rameau interpreter of our time, but it's totally compelling. So too is much of the cast, especially Ed Lyon's Hippolytus, Christiane Karg's Aricia, and Stéphane Degout's Theseus; as Phaedra, Sarah Connolly plays the stepmother from hell to the manner born." (The Guardian ★★★★)

"Katherine Watson’s imperious Diana, Ed Lyon’s coltish Hippolytus, and Francois Lis’s dark-toned Pluto are all spot-on, while Emmanuelle de Negri and Mathias Vidal purvey a ravishing sweetness of sound. Sarah Connolly invests Phaedra with both grandeur and a desperately human vulnerability; Stephane Degout’s Theseus sends up prayers to Neptune in singing of transcendent beauty. The diction and phrasing is perfectly idiomatic; the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment is on top form." (The Independent ★★★)

"... one of the great French Baroque entertainments ... Christie conducts a superb Glyndebourne cast." (Gramophone)