Opus Arte


The Royal Opera House
Royal Shakespeare Company
Shakespeare's Globe
Ashton Triple (The Dream; Symphonic Variations; Marguerite and Armand)
Ashton Triple (The Dream; Symphonic Variations; Marguerite and Armand)

Akane Takada (Titania (The Dream)); Steven McRae (Oberon (The Dream)); Valentino Zucchetti (Puck (The Dream)); Bennet Gartside (Bottom (The Dream)); Marianela Nuñez (Symphonic Variations); Vadim Muntagirov (Symphonic Variations); Yasmine Naghdi (Symphonic Variations); James Hay (Symphonic Variations); Yuhui Choe (Symphonic Variations); Tristan Dyer (Symphonic Variations); Zenaida Yanowsky (Marguerite (Marguerite and Armand)); Roberto Bolle (Armand (Marguerite and Armand))

Three contrasting ballets by The Royal Ballet’s Founder Choreographer Frederick Ashton: The Dream (1964) is an enchanting adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to music by Mendelssohn. Symphonic Variations (1946) is an early Ashton masterpiece, and a breathtaking, abstract work on the beauty of pure movement. Marguerite and Armand (1963), here danced by former Royal Ballet Principal Zenaida Yanowsky and Guest Artist  Roberto Bolle, is a tragic love story of great lyric beauty. The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House is conducted by Emmanuel Plasson.


Genre: Ballet
Release Date: 01/08/2018
Sound Formats: LPCM 2.0 & DTS Digital Surround 5.1
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Catalogue Number: OA1264D


Genre: Ballet
Release Date: 01/08/2018
Sound Formats: LPCM 2.0 & DTS-HD Master Audio Surround 5.1
Ratio: 16:9
Catalogue Number: OABD7240D
Emmanuel Plasson
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Akane Takada; Steven McRae; Valentino Zucchetti; Bennet Gartside; Marianela Nuñez; Vadim Muntagirov; Yasmine Naghdi; James Hay; Yuhui Choe; Tristan Dyer; Zenaida Yanowsky; Roberto Bolle; Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; Emmanuel Plasson
"First-rate dancing in an Ashton triple bill that offers comedy, serenity and demi-monde ardour
In one of her final performances as principal, Zenaida Yanowsky gives a tremendously intense and intelligent performance as the tragic courtesan." (The Stage ★★★★)

"Saying farewell to the Royal Ballet after 23 years, Yanowsky shows her quality as an actress, a dancer and a star. There’s a grand sweep to her movement, while her alert stage presence makes tiny moments count. When she’s forced to give up her lover, Roberto Bolle’s Armand, she holds still for a vulnerable second, trying to resist the inevitable. In her death scene, she’s ardent and feverish, clinging on to life. Bolle less at home in the grand gestures, but makes a sure, devoted partner. It’s a very moving goodbye." (The Independent ★★★★★)

"Nicely covering the many bases of Frederick Ashton's genius, the Royal Ballet triple bill which opened last night is a chance to see both the company and its founder choreographer on top form. The Dream shows Ashton at his narrative best, handling comedy and kisses with equal aplomb. Symphonic Variations displays his slightly less well-known talent for abstract ballet, and is one of the most enjoyable 20 minutes in the entire repertoire. And Marguerite and Armand commemorates his abiding fascination with Margot Fonteyn, who inspired him more than any other dancer except perhaps Pavlova.
Akada sparkles with Ashtonian sexiness, all orgasmic flutters and quivers.
McRae is splendidly fey as Oberon, and has all the sprezzatura that taller dancers struggle to find in the part's show-off turning variations." (The Arts Desk ★★★★)

"A passionate tribute to an all-time genius
The Royal Ballet is bringing this season – and its 70th-birthday celebrations – to a close with a perfectly chosen trio of works by its founder choreographer Frederick Ashton (1904-1988), works that remind us just how brightly and variously his genius blazed." (The Daily Telegraph ★★★★)

"Choreographically and musically, Ashton’s ballets remain as lustrous as the day he made them, and the Royal continues to give a fine account of them. The triple bill was splendidly danced over the course of its nine-day run. Fairies flitted beguilingly in The Dream, Symphonic Variations wove its ineffable spell, a trio of sad-eyed Marguerites expired in their lovers’ arms. Of starry performances, there was no shortage." (The Guardian ★★★★)

Akane Takada (Titania (The Dream)); Steven McRae (Oberon (The Dream)); Valentino Zucchetti (Puck (The Dream)); Bennet Gartside (Bottom (The Dream)); Marianela Nuñez (Symphonic Variations); Vadim Muntagirov (Symphonic Variations); Yasmine Naghdi (Symphonic Variations); James Hay (Symphonic Variations); Yuhui Choe (Symphonic Variations); Tristan Dyer (Symphonic Variations); Zenaida Yanowsky (Marguerite (Marguerite and Armand)); Roberto Bolle (Armand (Marguerite and Armand))

Three contrasting ballets by The Royal Ballet’s Founder Choreographer Frederick Ashton: The Dream (1964) is an enchanting adaptation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream to music by Mendelssohn. Symphonic Variations (1946) is an early Ashton masterpiece, and a breathtaking, abstract work on the beauty of pure movement. Marguerite and Armand (1963), here danced by former Royal Ballet Principal Zenaida Yanowsky and Guest Artist  Roberto Bolle, is a tragic love story of great lyric beauty. The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House is conducted by Emmanuel Plasson.


Genre: Ballet
Release Date: 01/08/2018
Sound Formats: LPCM 2.0 & DTS Digital Surround 5.1
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Catalogue Number: OA1264D


Genre: Ballet
Release Date: 01/08/2018
Sound Formats: LPCM 2.0 & DTS-HD Master Audio Surround 5.1
Ratio: 16:9
Catalogue Number: OABD7240D

Emmanuel Plasson
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
Akane Takada; Steven McRae; Valentino Zucchetti; Bennet Gartside; Marianela Nuñez; Vadim Muntagirov; Yasmine Naghdi; James Hay; Yuhui Choe; Tristan Dyer; Zenaida Yanowsky; Roberto Bolle; Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; Emmanuel Plasson

"First-rate dancing in an Ashton triple bill that offers comedy, serenity and demi-monde ardour
In one of her final performances as principal, Zenaida Yanowsky gives a tremendously intense and intelligent performance as the tragic courtesan." (The Stage ★★★★)

"Saying farewell to the Royal Ballet after 23 years, Yanowsky shows her quality as an actress, a dancer and a star. There’s a grand sweep to her movement, while her alert stage presence makes tiny moments count. When she’s forced to give up her lover, Roberto Bolle’s Armand, she holds still for a vulnerable second, trying to resist the inevitable. In her death scene, she’s ardent and feverish, clinging on to life. Bolle less at home in the grand gestures, but makes a sure, devoted partner. It’s a very moving goodbye." (The Independent ★★★★★)

"Nicely covering the many bases of Frederick Ashton's genius, the Royal Ballet triple bill which opened last night is a chance to see both the company and its founder choreographer on top form. The Dream shows Ashton at his narrative best, handling comedy and kisses with equal aplomb. Symphonic Variations displays his slightly less well-known talent for abstract ballet, and is one of the most enjoyable 20 minutes in the entire repertoire. And Marguerite and Armand commemorates his abiding fascination with Margot Fonteyn, who inspired him more than any other dancer except perhaps Pavlova.
Akada sparkles with Ashtonian sexiness, all orgasmic flutters and quivers.
McRae is splendidly fey as Oberon, and has all the sprezzatura that taller dancers struggle to find in the part's show-off turning variations." (The Arts Desk ★★★★)

"A passionate tribute to an all-time genius
The Royal Ballet is bringing this season – and its 70th-birthday celebrations – to a close with a perfectly chosen trio of works by its founder choreographer Frederick Ashton (1904-1988), works that remind us just how brightly and variously his genius blazed." (The Daily Telegraph ★★★★)

"Choreographically and musically, Ashton’s ballets remain as lustrous as the day he made them, and the Royal continues to give a fine account of them. The triple bill was splendidly danced over the course of its nine-day run. Fairies flitted beguilingly in The Dream, Symphonic Variations wove its ineffable spell, a trio of sad-eyed Marguerites expired in their lovers’ arms. Of starry performances, there was no shortage." (The Guardian ★★★★)