Opus Arte


The Royal Opera House
Royal Shakespeare Company
Shakespeare's Globe
Shakespeare: The Tempest
Shakespeare: The Tempest

Simon Russell Beale (Prospero); Joe Dixon (Caliban); Mark Quartley (Ariel); Jenny Rainsford (Miranda); Simon Trinder (Trinculo); Tony Jayawardena (Stephano); Oscar Pearce (Antonio); Joseph Mydell (Gonzalo)

On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and this no ordinary island. Prospero is a magician, able to control the very elements and bend nature to his will. When a sail appears on the horizon, he reaches out across the ocean to the ship that carries the men who wronged him. Creating a vast magical storm he wrecks the ship and washes his enemies up on the shore. When they wake they find themselves lost on a fantastical island where nothing is as it seems.

In a unique partnership with Intel, the Royal Shakespeare Company's production uses today’s most advanced technology in a bold reimagining of Shakespeare’s magical play, creating an unforgettable theatrical experience. Simon Russell Beale returns to the RSC after 20 years to play Prospero in a production directed by Artistic Director Gregory Doran.


Genre: Theatre
Release Date: 01/08/2017
Sound Formats: LPCM & DTS 5.1
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: EN
Catalogue Number: OA1249D


Genre: Theatre
Release Date: 01/08/2017
Sound Formats: Dolby Stereo; Dolby Surround
Ratio: 16:9
Subtitles: EN
Catalogue Number: OABD7228D
Simon Russell Beale; Joe Dixon; Mark Quartley; Jenny Rainsford; Simon Trinder; Tony Jayawardena; Oscar Pearce; Joseph Mydell
"Simon Russell Beale’s return to the Royal Shakespeare Company after 20 years has been overshadowed by excitement about the production’s use of digital technology. While the effects are innovative, for me the kaleidoscopic visual spectacle pales besides the show’s human values and its moving affirmation of forgiveness.

Fears that the technology would upstage the actors are firmly scotched by the presence of Beale as Prospero. He has the capacity not only to act mind but to convey moral gravity. The part requires the actor to suggest an internal struggle to compensate for the lack of outward drama, but Beale is also exceptional in stressing Prospero’s private guilt. He dwells on the phrase “twelve year” as if appalled at his prolonged exile, but also lets us see that it was Prospero’s bookish solitude that provoked his usurpation." (The Guardian ★★★★)

"The fruit of a two-year partnership involving Intel and Imaginarium, the visuals, particularly those that enhance the actions of Mark Quartley’s otherworldly Ariel are, true to the hype, of a breath-taking order.

Beale, one of our most insightful, steady-as-she-goes Shakespeareans could always be relied upon to deliver the goods – and he does so in eloquent, emotionally piercing style. " (The Daily Telegraph ★★★★)

"Simon Russell Beale returns to the Royal Shakespeare Company after more than 20 years and marks the occasion by turning in one of the most profoundly moving performances of his career." (The Independent ★★★★)

Simon Russell Beale (Prospero); Joe Dixon (Caliban); Mark Quartley (Ariel); Jenny Rainsford (Miranda); Simon Trinder (Trinculo); Tony Jayawardena (Stephano); Oscar Pearce (Antonio); Joseph Mydell (Gonzalo)

On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and this no ordinary island. Prospero is a magician, able to control the very elements and bend nature to his will. When a sail appears on the horizon, he reaches out across the ocean to the ship that carries the men who wronged him. Creating a vast magical storm he wrecks the ship and washes his enemies up on the shore. When they wake they find themselves lost on a fantastical island where nothing is as it seems.

In a unique partnership with Intel, the Royal Shakespeare Company's production uses today’s most advanced technology in a bold reimagining of Shakespeare’s magical play, creating an unforgettable theatrical experience. Simon Russell Beale returns to the RSC after 20 years to play Prospero in a production directed by Artistic Director Gregory Doran.


Genre: Theatre
Release Date: 01/08/2017
Sound Formats: LPCM & DTS 5.1
Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: EN
Catalogue Number: OA1249D


Genre: Theatre
Release Date: 01/08/2017
Sound Formats: Dolby Stereo; Dolby Surround
Ratio: 16:9
Subtitles: EN
Catalogue Number: OABD7228D

Simon Russell Beale; Joe Dixon; Mark Quartley; Jenny Rainsford; Simon Trinder; Tony Jayawardena; Oscar Pearce; Joseph Mydell

"Simon Russell Beale’s return to the Royal Shakespeare Company after 20 years has been overshadowed by excitement about the production’s use of digital technology. While the effects are innovative, for me the kaleidoscopic visual spectacle pales besides the show’s human values and its moving affirmation of forgiveness.

Fears that the technology would upstage the actors are firmly scotched by the presence of Beale as Prospero. He has the capacity not only to act mind but to convey moral gravity. The part requires the actor to suggest an internal struggle to compensate for the lack of outward drama, but Beale is also exceptional in stressing Prospero’s private guilt. He dwells on the phrase “twelve year” as if appalled at his prolonged exile, but also lets us see that it was Prospero’s bookish solitude that provoked his usurpation." (The Guardian ★★★★)

"The fruit of a two-year partnership involving Intel and Imaginarium, the visuals, particularly those that enhance the actions of Mark Quartley’s otherworldly Ariel are, true to the hype, of a breath-taking order.

Beale, one of our most insightful, steady-as-she-goes Shakespeareans could always be relied upon to deliver the goods – and he does so in eloquent, emotionally piercing style. " (The Daily Telegraph ★★★★)

"Simon Russell Beale returns to the Royal Shakespeare Company after more than 20 years and marks the occasion by turning in one of the most profoundly moving performances of his career." (The Independent ★★★★)